Welcome to the first LABEL FREE SHOPPING online store — SHOPBYFAK
SHOPBYFAK breaks the rules and stereotypes in the shopping experience. „BUY DESIGN NOT A LABEL“ is the mantra and the main feature of this e-shop. We allow our customers to follow their intuition and impressions from the products and designs without regard to the branding and labels.
We eagerly represent vivid and visual stories to create new aesthetic codes and meanings in everything that makes the product special. This, in turn, establishes a relationship with the owner. We want to embrace people’s desire to use their senses, to buy a design, not a logo. It’s time to expand the boundaries of the existing online shopping experience, to keep staying foolish and edgy, to declare independence, and to protest against common standards that rule the fashion industry.
We welcome on our board young brands and emerging designers:
• the true talents who share our values, align with our creativity, and feel the mission to change the world;
• everyone who cultivates non-mainstream ideas and keeps the sense of exposed nerves;
• those who entirely share the idea that an incredible story realized in the product, and the vibe around it, should always be the forefront of a company, before overindulged branding or marketing tricks.
For applying as a designer to be presented at SHOPBYFAK please drop an email to [email protected] with your look books.